September Sky tow b

There's a line up of peasants outside the door
All waiting to die on the factory floor
For the slaves there can be no more tenderness
Work 'til you die on the hem of that party dress
Dare to rise up, to fight back to show your hand
Just to live, not exist, pride your one demand
Corporate whips, broken flesh bring you to your knees
You know that we will say what your name will be:
I am, I am, I am, I'm a man
You are, User, You are Tow-B now
I am, I am, I am, I'm a man
Think what you want but we'll break you down in the end.
You're a cog, just on part; the machine you tend
In the jungle enlightened man's yet to mend
For this century's greed no one's innocent
Hope flew away on a jet with the one percent
This is right, they say, as the world ought to be
Spoken clearly by captains of industry
Corporate spin, shattered lives bring us to our knees
You know that we will say what your name will be:
I am, I am, I am, I'm a man
You are, User, You are Tow-B now
I am, I am, I am, I'm a man
Think what you want but you’ll never see this in the end.
You’re just the lamb
Now bring us your offering. It’s part of the plan
Just give into, give into
There is a reason for you to know
There is a season for you to grow
There's a shirt on the rack for a dollar there
Good will lies and we buy no one seems to care
Let them die for our luxury life ain't fair
Our silver spoon was earned we own you anywhere
Far away does this matter at all to me
I'm just trying to be the best I can be
Corporate lies we believe bring us to our knees
You know that they will say, what our name will be