serpentwithfeet blisters

Concrete has hurried itself into blue
The mice have forgiven our greed
Still you won't kneel to kiss me
My lips the only source of water for miles, miles
Where's your concern, concern?
No love had gone between us, us
My concern
This same blue that falls from my mouth and cause the hairs on my chin to drip
Could nourish you, could sustain you
Kiss me, go
Kiss me, go
Pretend the floors cracking in the shape of our names is not a big deal
Pretend the dark flowers growing towards us is not a big deal
Pretend me loving you is not a big deal
As your lips curl at the smell of sweetness in this room
(Keep tying your shoes)
You should know the world outside my door has tightened it's womb for you
Help me say the darkness of the leaves has come
Forgiveness has not forgiven it
(Tomorrow time)
The darkness of leaves has come
(Has come)
Forgiveness has not forgiven it
The darkness of the leaves has come
(You could've been safe with me)
Forgiveness has not forgiven it
(But now, the trees have grown tired)
The darkness of leaves has come
Forgiveness has not forgiven it
(What am I gonna do with you, what am I gonna do with you? With you?)
The darkness of leaves has come
Forgiveness has not forgiven it
(Forgiven it)
The darkness of the leaves has come
(The darkness of the leaves has come)
Forgiveness has not forgiven it
(You would not get smart with me, you would not kneel for me, you would not kiss me)
The darkness of the leaves has come
(Darkness of the leaves has come)
Forgiveness has not forgiven it
(Darkness of leaves has come, oh)
The darkness of leaves has come
(Forgiveness has not)
Forgiveness has not forgiven it
(Watch the world get smart for you, watch the leaves get black for you)