Serralde hoy

The paths that life takes are not always what I want You love me little girl
Or that war or that I know
Or that crime increases daily
And that we have no control
All this happens here sir
But Today I sing to life
But today I sing to God
But today I enjoy the day
But today I go in front of the sun
The paths that life takes
They are unpredictable like you
Some days they give you a smile
But others don't, sir
It seems like a fictional story
But today I sing to life
But today I I sing to God
But today I enjoy the day
But today I go in front of the sun
Or that you don't love me little one
Or that the war or that I know
O that crime increases daily
And that we have no control
All this happens here sir
But today I sing to life
But today I sing to God
But today I enjoy the day
But today I go in front of the sun