Shardana me the wolf

Running away
When the moon is high
She is enlightning the way
I follow the path
And you're not so far
I feel your smell again
So many years
That I left the pack
I'm fading away
Without them I'm lost
Confused and lone
Cause I, I am the wolf
Oh, Great Father Sun
I bring you all I've done
Your light shall judge my way
Your flame shall purge myself
And you, Dear Mother Night
I bring my dreams to you
Your whispers shall clear my mind
Your darkness shall heal my soul
I will never forget
What I was
I never did
I never betrayed
The nature of myself
The path of life
Like black storming clouds
You feel us arrive
Moved by the winds
Of our thoughts
Mother Nights protect us
None can see
What she hides in her veils
We are the keepers
Protectors of the unknown
Her dark river of dreams
The last thing you'll see
The last thing you'll feel
It will be her sons teeth
And soon... you'll become one of us
And when we see the light
It's time for us to sleep
And when we close our eyes
We dream the night again
This is the time now
For the souls to rest
But when the moon arises
We will serve mother night again
We are her dreams
We are her dreams
The keepers of the woods of souls