Sharon Burch wee play

AłchÃu00adnÃu00ad yázhÃu00ad da’ółta’, nizhónÃu00adgo da’ółta’!
AłchÃu00adnÃu00ad yázhÃu00ad nidaané, nizhónÃu00adgo nidaané!
AłchÃu00adnÃu00ad yázhÃu00ad da’alzhish, nizhónÃu00adgo da’alzhish!
AłchÃu00adnÃu00ad yázhÃu00ad dahataał, nizhónÃu00adgo dahataał!
The little children, they attend school to learn, in a beutiful manner, they learn!
The little children, they play, in a beautiful manner, they play!
The little children, they dance, in a beautiful manner, they dance!
The little children, they sing, in a beautiful manner, they sing!