Shiro Sagisu the ultimate soldier 3em05

A first of fury
a deadly weapon
Rapier of havoc
Raised up in anger
Born to do battle
Without compassion
More than a solder
More than a killer
And in his trail is mayem
Destruction always followed
By stricken enemies of
The solder of no sorrow
The hand of menace beckons
In humber his protection
The leaders of the raiders
The brothership forever
And in his trail is mayem
Destruction always followed
By stricken enemies of
The solder of no sorrow
The hand of menace beckons
In humber his protection
The leaders of the raiders
The brothership forever
And in his trail is mayem
Destruction always followed
By stricken enemies of
The solder of no sorrow
The hand of menace beckons
In humber his protection
The leaders of the raiders
The brothership forever
And in his trail is mayem
Destruction always followed
By stricken enemies of
The solder of no sorrow
The hand of menace beckons
In humber his protection
The leaders of the raiders
The brothership forever