Siakol bakit ba

The company is just relaxing with smoke and beer
It's better to always be like this, you're being forgotten
I can't tell you what your drama is
Why do you always hurt my heart?
I still remember when we were walking
Just glancing at others, you suddenly slapped me
And because of your jealousy I loved you more
But where have you been, gone with others.
Why, why did you leave me alone
Why, why, did I get bored na
I follow you no matter what, I can do it
There is still no bill, why?
What did you see and you traded me
Are you sure about the new one
I hope he loves you and won't hurt you
Even if we're not together anymore, just tell him your problem.
Even if you try to forget, he's still waiting
Taking the risk you come again
Why is my situation so difficult
That's why I always ask myself.