Sigur Ros ra btur

He tried everything
Yes, he swam
New experiences
Coming with him
But it was like everything
I lost my heart
And it was like º as the breath again
Ignited inn覦mÃă©r
Ã^g fór, þú fĖĖ³rst
øú rà It's eating
It's hot
Everything is eating
But that's what happened ¾Ãº who was always
For a man
And þú was þú who was never judged
Man's true friend< br/>øór, ââââú fÀórst
øú sails á fljÃótum
Above Ãá Gà ¶mlum èÈ¡ra
As a student
ÃȸÃȺ swims to aÃÈ° land
ÃÈăÂĀ˝tir frè¡ èÕ¶ldugi
Nothing works in the sea. จ³s Ãจ Ãจ¾ukunni