Sinoath witch bleed on fire

Rembember when you were free to run,
into the forest before priests of gore
tortured your soul and denied your dark freedom,
freedom that you've lost and won't come back no more.
Die in pain in eternal fire and torment.
scream curses for those who have created.
claiming revenge and sadism for your flesh
in the name of justice, ritual blasphemy...
Witches bleed on fire...
Flames burn their soul...
While, blood starts to flow,
embraced slowly by holy fire,
and in the hell her name now is lost.
forever in darkness and horror.
forever in hell...
No scream, no pain is scaring me.
burning for a reign of blood.
they've broken a pagan race,
showing their christianity
with this science of death.
walking on the bridge of fire.
horrid vision her hell
Violently, gory.
slowly dead.
the soul is flown.
the final death.
Bloodshed from those insane.
the same blood
they shall pay.
curses forever to burn in hell.
Witch bleed on fire deadly...
Flames burning her soul...