Sirenia ditt endelikt

The rain falls
Like tears of a sorrowful year
Incurable wounds
As in a timeless lament
Dwells endless longing
And you who drifted so far away
In search of peace of mind
For only darkness can last
Where all that wake must pass
You who prayed carrying the burdens of the world
On your sorrow-heavy shoulders
On the way to your end
Have you suffered too many betrayals
And in your locked mind
Others never let go in
The snow descends
All the warmth of life left
Lost in eternity
As in a lifeless shadow dance
Has life lost its luster
And at the loss of your faith
So your last bridge burned
Lamentas lo que una vez fue
Ahora que todo las perdido
Arropado por un frÃo y oscuro abrazo
Alimentado por la soledad, vives lamentando la perdida
Y cuando la oscuridad cubre tus horas
Puedes sentir como se desvanece la última esperanza
En un anhelo por descansar en un lugar diferente
De donde viste el último puente arder