Skank te ver

Seeing you and not wanting you
It's unlikely, it's impossible
Having you and having to forget
It's unbearable It's incredible pain
Ã^ like diving into a river and not getting wet
Ã^ like not freezing to death in the polar ice
Ã^ br/>Ã^ having an empty stomach and not having lunch
Ã^ seeing the sky open up in style and not cheer up
Seeing you and not wanting you
It's unlikely, it's impossible
Having you and having to forget
à ^ unbearable, it's incredible pain
it's like waiting for the dish and not salivating
Feeling your shoe tightening and you can't take it off §ar
Ã^ to see someone truly happy without someone to love
Ã^ like looking for starfish in the woods
Seeing you and not Wanting you
It's unlikely, it's impossible
Having you and having to forget
It's unbearable, it's It's an incredible pain
Ã^ like not feeling hot in Cuiabá
Or like in Arpoador not seeing the sea
Ã^ like don't die of anger with politics
Ignore that the afternoon is lazy and mythical
It's like watching television and not sleeping
See a pussy on the floor and not smiling
Ã^ how not to taste the nectar of a beautiful love
After the heart detects the finest flower
Seeing you and not wanting you
It's unlikely, it's impossible
Having you and having to forget< br/>It's unbearable, it's incredible pain