Sledding With Tigers the big game movements 1 2

The game begins, hopes are high
We need to win, we need to try
our hardest
The game is tough, we’re already losing
We’re taking some hits, we’re taking a bruising
Everybody get up its time slam now,
we got a real jam going now
welcome to the space jam
here’s your chance do your dance at the space jam
Know what are we gonna do?
Everybody is falling apart
We need you, Bill Murray
We need you to play
It’s your time to shine
It’s time to save the day
We need you, Bill Murray
We need to play
We just need a warm body
And I guess you’ll do today
So, miraculously, after an eloquent motivational locker room speech by bugs bunny and some questionable “performance enhancing substances,” the Looney Tunes have managed to orchestrate an insane comeback. Time-wise, I’m not really sure how it all worked, but the important part is that Bill Murray is there and they’re only down one point with just a few seconds left. Now, Michael Jordan has the ball and he’s honestly about half way across the court with mere moments left on the clock. NOW CONVENTIONAL KNOWLEDGE would dictate that this is an impossible situation. There’s no WAY he can make it, the Looney Tunes and Michael Jordan are going to be Space Slaves at an amusement park, YOU GET IT. But Michael doesn’t play by your rules, and he understands something that none of us do. So he jumps, and he stretches, and his arm starts stretching, and it stretches and it stretches and the clock is counting down and he’s stretching and he’s stretching and you know what?
he makes it.
he makes the shot.
Everybody get up its time slam now,
we got a real jam going now
welcome to the space jam
here’s your chance do your dance at the space jam