Slim Dusty bunda waterhole

Old mates we met at the far flung place
In the last few days of July,
We pitched our tents and baited our hooks
The mad old world rolled by.
For the size of the catch didn't mean too much,
'Twas the peace and the smog free air,
The yarns we spun and the songs we sung
And the mates we all greeted there.
We fished and yarned by the fire at night
And the ev'ning star stood guard,
Like some long gone drover ridin' watch
At ten mile Bunda yah
I lingered a while by the embers red
And something touched my soul
With my mates asleep and my cold ole brew
On ten mile Bunda hole.
As I shredded my boots by my welcome swag
I knew just how great is the loss,
Of those people who never have known the light
Of the stars of the Southern Cross.
Those people who never the time have found
To make true friends that share,
The things which our Lord gave everyone
On a ten mile hole out there.
Old mates we met at the far flung place
In the last few days of July,
We pitched our tents and we baited our hooks
The mad old world rolled by.
For the size of the catch didn't mean too much,
'Twas the peace and the smog free air,
The yarns we spun and the songs we sung
And the mates we all greeted there.
Yes we fished and yarned by the fire at night
And the ev'ning star stood guard,
Like some long gone drover ridin' watch
At ten mile Bunda yah
I lingered a while by the embers red
And something touched my soul
With my mates asleep and my cold ole brew
At ten mile Bunda hole.