Smoke Sign compassionate awakening

I woke up
and I suddenly got it ...
I understood suddenly
how thought was just an illusionary thing...
and how thought is responsible for, if not all, most of the suffering we experience …
and then I suddenly felt
like I was looking at these thoughts from another prospective
and I wondered who is it, that is aware that I am thinking ...
and suddenly I was thrown into this expensive amazing feeling of freedom ...
from myself, from my problems. I saw that I was bigger than what I do,
I was bigger than my body. I was everything and everyone .
I was no longer a fragment of the universe. I was the universe
and ever sense that day ...
I looked back and i thought, well It's our intention,
our intention is everything,
nothing happens on this planet without it ...
one day I read something from Buddha
All spirituality is about relieving suffering
and I suddenly realized,
I am aligned,
my purpose is aligned with this
so I felt incredibly lucky.
I lose sight of that all the time. I get caught up in different concerns and ego concerns.
but I am so lucky to be apart of this community and to do something that is off value...
and suddenly I was thrown into this expensive amazing feeling of freedom ...