Smosh feat. Tara Jayne Sissom ultimate breakup medley

Screw you, Anthony!
Pants always full pee
You cried when your goldfish died
Like a little pussy
Screw you, Anthony!
Gave me hepatitis C
I promises everytime i see your naked body
I remember at the theater where we met the first time
You ran out of a movie hecka wet the pants kind
Then you asked for a napkin to wipe it up
Cause you dropped some Water on the front of your pants
Everyone knew the front Water was pee
Pissed yourself watching paranormal activity
He thought he had perfect abs
Drew them on with a sharpie
Looked like douchebag
Oh yeah!
I'd catch him stealing super hero costumes from all the little kids
And cutting out the abs
Putting the maunder tayes t- shirt, it was so sad
So sad
Screw you, Anthony!
Pants always full pee
You cried when your goldfish died
Like a little pussy
Screw you, Anthony!
Gave me hepatitis C
I promises everytime i see your naked body
I remember that time because hang night alone
Wearing the cloth dancing to my songs
So nasty
I knew you were a pussy when i saw you
Dancing to my songs
Dressed up in high heels and my thong
With my face tattooed on your butt
Why the hell is it on your butt?!
And just in case
Anthony try saying so,
I secretly taped
Our breakup on video
One last thing
Before i come to an end
I cheated on anthony
With his amazing bestfriends
And greats full of her
And things oh so meaty
He's better than anthony
And the only one for me ever
Sorry, Anthony
But you really do smell like pee
And I'm with Ian now
Cause his thighs are so meaty