Sánchez-Pedreño Salvador teorema de fermat

Sánchez-Pedreño Salvador
Fermat's Theorem
Fermat, Fermat, Fermat's theorem
the mother who gave birth to him
I had a test
but Claudi screwed it up
I compare biologists
with a sack of melons
for one that turns out good
the rest are faggots
I compare computing
with a little sailing boat
mathematics the wind
that takes it wherever it wants
If Saorín took his brother
to the fifth call
he who doesn't know me
it is certain that he will fuck me
What a painful pain
what inhuman pain
for Meroño to arrive and say:
it is trivial, of is tried
If you have been left with some pasta
and you didn't feel like it
tell him that you will meet at twelve
in our cafeteria
I compare biologists
with a sack of onions
for one that turns out good
the rest are idiots