Sole can t kill a ghost

Don't ever call me gentle
We all born into brothels
Light up Apollo
Son of no god and I'm hollow
Never been to follow
Trail of crumbs in my pocket
And I'm hungry
Cut you throat with a message in a bottle
Read the fine print, build a ship and sink it
Test me I'm negative
Must be my blood type
Like the target on my back
They only shooting when I think ain't coming back
To life the worlds oldest organism
Wed to molten metal
World war 3 is us against machines
That resemble us
Technical dictatorship
No such thing as the illuminati
Just a dynamic corporate body
Fuck the smoke in mirrors, steady aim
Alex Jones CIA plant
Like cocaine
Stop sending me links to Zeitgeist and Loose Change
Junk food filling up your brain
They keep you occupied with youtube while the world is in flames
Hash tag I'm #justsaying
No more preaching to choir
I burned the church down
Now I pray I'll always have clean drinking water
My cup ain't half full
I drink petrol I'm a dinosaur
Trying to dodge comets
Trying not to vomit
Right wing trickonomics
Lick a shot if your thirsty in the desert of the unreal
We're all immigrants here
There are no innocents
I'm a soloist
Avatar with bleeding heart
Empty out your pockets for the black cross
Walkers of the long night
Polish off my teeth
I'm ready for the PO lice
Middlemen and bright lights
Dead city walk me don't cross me
Don't talk to me I'm all about solitude
Speak softly and carry a big book
Don't speak, unless it's for the betterment
Too much integrity for Letterman
I'll prolly die irrelevant
Don't give a fuck cuz my heroes will too
Living in a white wash
Steal my style more than AI can bite off
I grew up on the wrong side of the working class
Working man is a fool
Being an artist more
Ignorance is bliss
Bath in god's light get cancer
Take me to moon all I needs an elevator