Something Corporate 21 and invincible

Something Corporate
21 and Invincible
Some days go by I wish I was famous
Or maybe religious
So I could go to heaven just like you
I could have a big house, complain about taxes, and pay off my ex's
Ain't that living
No one making fun of me
Cause I can't stand up for myself
We're 21 and invincible
Can't wait to screw things up
We're 21 and invincible
I'm in power for the hour
I guess today't gonna blow us away
I've got a girlfriend
She tells me she needs me and she loves me
We'll probably get married
And everyone will bite their tongue so hard it bleeds
When my mom hears this song
She'll tell me I'm crazy
She'll say to me,Son, you're much too young, to have some fun, don't waste your life like I did.
And its been autumn since the day I met you
If I hit bottom, must I crawl out alone
And I don't wish to know the secrets of summer at all