Soul Assassins battle of 2001

Initiate counter offense a real attack,
it's the first line of defense in immense combat.
As I look up into the cold black sky,
I see the birds of destruction fly by.
Convey the code red and begin arming all nuclear warheads.
{alert all the civilians, there is no time to waste}
Erase all of the data within the home base,
the virus is spreading at a maximum pace.
Eliminating all traces of the human race,
{Commander the enemy is beginning to infiltrate.}
Send the word and spread it,
{Let's get the fuck out of here}
through all the southern states.
Activate self destruction, elimination is eminent.
Woman and children take shelter.
Stabilize your position,
the Spirit of God is infinite.
Women and children take shelter.
The enemy is upon us.
All personnel man your battle stations.
Code red, I repeat code red!
We are being over ran by hostile forces.
Need assistance.
Is anybody receiving this message?!
*static* this transmission *static* over!