Sound Ideas castle door latches shut

(M-I-C!) I rock the mic properly!
(K-E-Y!) Turning profits, I've got the key!
I'm the Juggernaut of stacking knots unstoppably!
The Disneyland-lord of your intellectual property!
So get back to work! That's my dime you're wasting!
I didn't buy you for billions so you could play around debating!
(Ha!) You belong to Disney, which means you stay busy
Cranking out magic and assembly line whimsy!
Artists begging me to stop; I won't let 'em!
Labor conditions in my shop? I don't sweat 'em!
I'm powerful enough to make a mouse gigantic!
With only 3 circles, I dominate the planet!
Clearly, there's nobody near me!
I'm owning this battle! In fact, I own this whole series!
So hop on my Steamboat, boys, but don't rock it!
I'll put a smile on your face and green in your pocket!
You'll be safe and insured when you're under my employ!
Now, look at it! Gaze upon my empire of joy!