Speedy Ortiz death note

Be kind to your bad self
'Cause sooner or later you'll come out good
And after the black light
They note that a scratch reflects in the sun
How many times do I have to say it?
How often can I say it until you believe?
They're all of letters.
These are all of letters.
To me.
Be kind to your bad self
Cause sooner or later someone else grabs a whip
Cause spirit feels for nothing
Tyrannical man dating the hip of a square
How many times do I have to say it?
How often can I say it until you believe?
They're all of letters.
These are all of letters
To me.
These kids go so fast
Free passes don't count for much anymore
Spell out your manter in me
From a bone
Be kind to your bad self
How many times do I have to say it? (x2)
Now you don't get letters
Cause I only send anything long farther for me (?????)
To tell it like a treacherous boucan (????)
How often can I say it until you believe
They're all of letters.
They're all of letters
These are all of letters