Spiral Diary room 1019

45 minutes past, you're already late
I wait to carpool by the freeway
This "jersey only" dinner was a grave mistake
The friendship scandal's just beginning
Your phone won't stop ringing
Whispers and hearsay are spreading
Our evening, our feelings are rapidly sinking
This always seemed like such a good idea
Everything is perfect until you get there
Check in
Check out
Right now, you are falling asleep to the credits
Shut up
Sit down
I doubt you ever considered your intentions
The night keeps moving despite our efforts
The plates are empty before I utter a word
Nothing is said, as if we just met
Still we think we're ready to go to bed
Check in
Check out
Right now, I am taking a match to the mattress
Throw up
Lie down
Oh well, I knew I'd never have the stomach for this
Now it's morning, thank heavens
Your phone is ringing again
In a flash of poor judgment, you answer it
... this always seemed like such a good idea