Spoiler turn it off

Try to find the time
Live a meaningful life
Manage expectations
Promise her vacations
Sometimes the storm won't blow away
Sometimes the war's just a bad day
But blue skies always lie above, right?
Optimism never hurts
But rising tides don't rise enough
Sometimes the shit won't go away
Sometimes the war's not worth a thing
So I surrender for the peaceful common good
Not because I should
Maybe I should learn to think
Try to time the find
Try to smoothen the grind
Spread it thicker for flavour
Turn it off and savour
Sometimes the storm won't go away
Sometimes the war's just a bad day
So I surrender for the peaceful common good
Not because I should
Maybe I should
Turn it off
Turn if off
Always on
Occupied by occupation
Never enough
Chasing down some prescribed desired moving target
But blue skies always lie above, right?
But rising tides don't rise me up high enough
Rise me up high enough