Sportfreunde Stiller alles liebe alles gute

Oh hello, long time no see
How are you, how are things?
Well, I have to go as usual
It's just worse for me
I'm sorry< br/>I have absolutely no
time to waste today
I have to send another email
And it could end badly< br/>If I were too late
All the best, all the best
It's nice that you exist
It would be great
/>When we see each other again
All the best, all the best
It's nice that you exist
It's stupid
It's always raining< br/>If you met each other
Would you see the sun
Could you go deeper
So I'm looking forward to
Our next one See you again
Then let's really talk
About everything that's so important
Otherwise it would be right now
That you piss off
All the best, all the best
It's nice that you exist
It would be great
If we see each other again
All the best, all the best
Nice It's nice that you exist
All the best, all the best
It's nice that you exist
It would be great
If you could meet again looks
All the best, all the best
It's nice that you exist
Oh yes?
Where you meet
Where you actually anyway
But we keep seeing each other
Funny how it happens
You, please never call me again
Okay, see you then
All the best, all the best
/>It's nice that you exist
It would be great
If we see each other again
All the best, all the best
It's nice that you exist
All the best, all the best
It's nice that you exist
It would be great
If we see each other again
All the best, all the best
It's nice that you exist