Sportfreunde Stiller hockey feld

Do you know what?
We're going there
Where the grass is cut and fun is born
Nothing is lost in the first place
And it wouldn't be worth anything
If you weren't the opinion
Even in the worst case scenario
Being there is everything and everything is nothing
You couldn't say in retrospect
There was nothing to be gained apart from torturing yourself
And my soles were on fire
That's how I ran
Hockey, if you want to know what I mean
You should also be there at hockey
Hockey, if you want to know what I mean
Should you also be there at the hockey
You know what?
We're going there
Where the grass is cut and the spa is born
Because nobody I like to see the place
Where life rages only from a distance
We want to be red with exhaustion
And we invite you, even if you want to sweat
Just know you the one thing
Healthy and cheerful Is it here at
Hockey, if you want to know what I mean
You should also be there at, hockey
Hockey, if you want to know what I mean
You should be there too, hockey
Ever long intermediate part, middle part
Hockey, if you want to know what I mean
You should be there too be, at, hockey
Hockey, if you want to know what I mean
You should also be there, at, hockey