Stefanie Hertel papa

I was a good boy!
Dad told me
All you have to do is ask grandma!The best in the class, not even a 4!My teacher didn't have a complaint!And to annoy the neighbors 'That didn't even occur to me!
Then I just say: "Dear Dad!
That must be a mistake!"
Grandma told me
You were the biggest rascal of all in the world!
And she kept turning a blind eye to you!
When grandma tells you like that
You did a lot of nonsense too!
Then I say
When I grow up
I'll be as good as you!
For me you're the greatest
Even though a lot of things aren't right!
I read your testimony a long time ago !
And when I come home
A 5 in math
Then you should forget about it straight away!
If you can't remember everything
Grandma knows Let me know
Children are children after all!
She still says that today!
Grandma told me...