Stephen the Levite voltron

Steve: We Voltron, (verb:) please observe like your show’s on/ the dialect means the squad connects, that’s a old jawn/ Classic, started in the Godhead, passed it/ when the man’s rib, had Adam spittin’ that, old poem// Awestruck, lookin’ at the woman like, awe shucks/ he’s buggin’ out, what you know about it? boy was caught up/ attracted, what God brought together don’t attack it/ He Hates that, discord, divorce, not a fan kid// one flesh, centuries of mystery, the Son’s death/ ripped the veil, now it’s been revealed, peep the oneness/ Profound, leave & cleave to Eve, she’s His own now/ and he is her’s, Jesus and the church be the pronouns// Engaged, committed to mission till the big day/ The Bridegroom, will arrive soon, until then wait/ Harvest, workin’ like the first in the Garden/ The Last Eve, sowin’ that seed, she is all of us// Voltron
Average Joe on the cuts
Mac: The unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace/ (Eph. 4:3) kind of an anomaly, but not in God’s economy/ Connected, and battle tested, best respect it/ and the gates of hell know we ain’t to be messed wit. (Matt. 16:18)// The body’s in the building!/ The people, not the steeple; the Body IS the building! (1 Cor. 12:12-27, Eph. 2:20-22)/ Peep the gorgeous floor plus the lobby and the ceiling!/ How you love God but won’t poly wit His children? (1 John 4:20)// One of the reasons that Jesus was bleeding for.../ to unify, you and I: one body fam Ephesians four/ Christ crucified, buried, and risen!/ In Christ we’re unified so there’s no division// The Son’s so gung ho for unity.../ John seventeen: twenty-one to twenty-three/ We form/ both feet, both legs, both hands, chest, head, both arms... // VOLTRON!
Average Joe on the 1s and 2s
Zae: I thank God for these brothers that the Lord has given for me to walk with/ i Voltron with ’em, i live it and see it often/ it’s more than just collabing up in the lab and rapping over these tracks/ these brothers back it with acts// that go beyond the stage and lights regardless of the fame and hype/ picture the Levite taking aim upon a stain to spray and wipe/ and not consider it beneath him neither to exchange the mic/ essentially to wash the feet of mad believers in his life// i seen this brother put in work from cleaning our church building/ to building with the saints in the church and working to build with me/ (“its more than music”) i can testify as a witness i see/ (“lil Christ-likes multiply your existence”)// and i love it when a rapper's reppin’ on & off the stage/ i can attest for Mac the Doulos bond-serving like a slave/ cuz if your with my Church on Sunday morning and you like how that sounds/ you can thank him in at the sound booth where he’s serving in the background// and if you’re checking for him in the middle of the week then/ you can catch where his West Philly life group is meeting/ i’m grateful that he’s faithful, Hebrews 10:25ing it/ he’s building with the saints to facilitate discipleship// Romans 12:4 to 8 provides the blueprint/ for us to grow fond & form a strong bond with the saints/ but peep the head of the regime/ Colossians 1:18 under Christ we conform & Voltron with the King//