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Meow meow wild cat
With green slit eyes
Meow meow wild cat
Standing all wet in the rain
I'll let you meow in front of the door
And yelp and hiss
I saw you on all the roofs
The city rolling around
Meow meow wild cat
Please don't come home'
Because after a wild exertion
You just need some milk
Meow meow wild cat
Shows its white paw
In the slit of my door
After wild exertion
When you can't think of anything nicer
And when you're hungry qult
If you don't like the weather
Do you meow in front of my door
Meow meow wild cat
Please don't come home'
Because you're after wild exertion
Just need some milk
Meow meow wild cat
Spends the whole night
On a strange roof
And comes the next morning
To me for her milk
Meow meow wild cat
Please don't come home'
Because you're after a wild exertion
Just need some milk
Meow meow wild cat
The storm and the rain
Meow meow wild cat
The storm and the rain
/>Are my anger, my tears
For you evil cat
Meow meow only when it rains
When evil happens
When an enemy meets you
You meow ahead my door
Meow meow wild cat
Please don't come home'
Because after a wild exertion
You just need some milk