Strangeways alone in the dark

Alone in the dark
Am I alone?
Are they just not home?
Alone in the dark!
Do you hear the dogs bark?
I feel the darkness closing in on me
Didn't know this pain was supposed to be
I didn't know I could feel so small
Can anyone see me at all?
Emptied out
Not even a shout
Questions remain.
Not feeling the same.
I see the light fading fast on me
Feel myself falling like a giant tree
I didn't know I could feel so tall
Can anyone see me at all?
Alone by the road.
I feel like a toad.
But no one to kiss.
They'll give me a miss.
I see the truck approaching fast on me
Know just how the hit is going to be
I didn't know I could feel so small
Can anyone see me at all?