Studio Cast did shakespeare ever feel this way

Did Shakespeare ever feel this way
When he sat down to write a play
Did he ever stop and pause
Not going on because he lost the words he longed to say
Did Shakespeare ever feel this way
Did Shakespeare ever want to fade
Away from others in his grade
Did he toss and turn at night
Because he had to fight the feeling he might be betrayed
Did Shakespeare ever feel afraid
Was he hip
Was he cool
Did he fit in at his school
Did they like him
Or did they strike him down
Was he teased
Was he shoved
Did he feel like he was loved
Or did they laugh when he moved in to town
Maybe the guy felt okay
But hey
Did Shakespeare feel he wasn't free
To be the person he could be
Did he maybe have to hide
The things he felt inside because the world might disagree
Did Shakespeare ever feel