Sumerlin counterfeit

Did you ever feel like the way I do
Is your idea of love is a fairy tale truth
It made my world diseased
But you’ve got your happy ever after
While I’m keeping pressure on the walls
Oh oh, blame it on me takes a toll
Oh no, sorry I told you so
Oh oh, blame it on your self-control
Oh no, game of tug of war
Wear your words on your sleeve
So everyone can see
It’s coun-coun-counterfeit
Do you mean it when you say it now
But you don’t, but you don’t
Wear your words on your sleeve
So everyone can see
It’s coun-coun-counterfeit
These built up lies can’t hold you anymore
You’re gonna have to speak the truth
Get the fix like your life depends on
Not a pawn I’ve played this before
Stop holding these empty promises over my head
Like a sky full of storm clouds that never end
As I say this to you I speak to myself
We need to think before we’re speaking
Know what’s out of our mouths
You said
Sorry I told you so
Regretting everything I know