Sun Speaker feat. Jordan Rush ov lustra

Her brilliant, radiant light passes through me
The beautiful decadent light rising and cascading o'er the zenith pass
Laying its golden rays gently upon the earth
Oh hope, and wander!!
Giving way to new life
Life springs forth from the ground
where she once lay
She has given so I may receive
Accipiens tuum Mortal est
I am the conduit to carry her word o'er the expanse
Sun Speaker, I, Ov Lustra
Accipiens tuum Mortal est
It is with this that I know my purpose
Luminis et terram (Of light and earth)
Lux (light)
Vitae (life)
Solis (sun)
Luminis et terram
Of light and earth
I now set forth
My destination the great monument of stone
at the horizon of the light.of the earth
Ov Lustra!
Accipiens tuum Mortal est
It is with this I know my purpose
Luminis et terram
Of light and earth
The great monument of stone
Sitting upon the horizon
Giving way to new life
Life springs forth from the ground
where she once lay
She has given so I may receive