Sung Hoon no matter how feat kim jin pyo

No matter how much I want her and pray, there’s a person I can’t have
Like a fool, I’m waiting yet again today
Because I’m happy even while waiting for her right now
In case the loving memories of you get scattered away
I re-think it again and again
But you disappear like smoke
* No matter how much I want you, I can’t have you
No matter how much I hope and hope
No matter how much I draw you out, I can’t have you by my side
Like this, like this
** No matter how painful it is, I’ll wait for you
Because no matter how sad I am, I’m a fool who only knows you
Though it hurts, I like it, if only you will come
No matter how painful or how sad it is, I like it anyway
If only you are here
* Repeat
** Repeat
I tried running in the dark at night while my breath runs out
I tried screaming like I’m crazy
I tried flipping my heart inside out
If anyone says it’s you, I would turn and look thousands of times
But everyone tells me to quit now
They’re telling me to forget you and that’s best for me
No, it doesn’t make sense, how is that best for me?
How is forgetting you the best for me?
No one understands me – I wait this long but there is no promise
But I will promise you this once more
Just like they say, things will happen someday, I will wait for you
Even if it’s pathetic, I will wait for you till the end
Someday, I will always protect you by your side
I miss you, I miss you so much
I miss you so much that I can’t take it
You know me, you know I only know you
** Repeat
If only you are here