Suns of Ithaca hollow tears

Funny how it never fails
how the light finds her in flattering ways
picking out the right details
to make it seem as though her scars would fade
how has it been all these years
god how your face has dissapeared
and my heart has been replaced
where did you go
why did you leave
we could have made ourselves complete
I don't want to know
just get out of here
and leave me to cry my hollow tears
you always like to walk these streets
among the junkies and the wandering waves
you say you don't know who you'd meet
like long lost friends with keys to pattery graves
how has it been all these years
god how your face has dissapeared
and my heart has been replaced
where did you go
why did you leave
we could have made ourselves complete
I don't want to know
just get out of here
and leave me to cry my hollow tears