Suns orange peels

i threw my my hands up, i saw what was beneath me
under trees we saw the ashes hit the ground
all the smoke stacks, all furnace burning
all the fire coming right up from the ground
what a machine, what a monster churning
we saw the fire and we heard the fires sound
big bad smoke stacks covering was i see
under trees we saw the ashes hit the ground
we march one by one into the belly of the beast
numbered graphed and measured out to fit the template of the machine
medicine in water sources keep the land locked and borders banned
regulate the chemicals to keep the questions from sight and hand
its not how things should be
lie after lie
we lose much more than we understand
day and night
everything they taught you is a lie
branch and branch after twisted branch, we see them split and re-seam
cross and flag after cross and flag, is all thats left to be seen
and we don't know how it has come this way
we don't see how it will last
and we don't see how much the difference makes
when all we know is all the things that we've been fed
and all of it is a lie.