Swelter to no avail

I must have been wasting time
to find a voice that wasn't mine
in a song I could not sing
All the static, all the noise
got me further from my voice
and all I wished that it would bring
You hear the birds, you hear their tune
Knowing they don't sing for you
But you don't really care for it, do you?
I meant to save the best for last,
I got distracted, I got lost
Once again I'm sorry, dear
You watch the boats, the ocean blue
Knowing they don't sail to you
But you were never much a traveler, were you?
Will it somehow bring relief
to know this wasn't meant to be
Then you are finally free to go
But in my finest hour
I could not be wrong
And in my finest hour
Nothing came undone
But in my finest hour
I could not be wrong
And in my finest hour
Nothing came undone