Tablo thankful breath

Even if it's a sigh, I'm thankful of my breath
Even on sleepless nights, the welcoming pillow
The applause that used to make me dream, is past
Now I become mesmerized with my daughter's applause
I can't say that I have lost everything
Because even after losing 99, I still find little things impressive
I'm smiling
To me, the words, I this die?
No, let it be
The things that makes me breathe is the calm rain
The sweet time wasting with friends
Red flowers, blue flowers, the cloud flowers in early mornings
Plenty of laughter flowers in the garden called, love
Bloom, my heart's rest
The wind of Jejudo, the night lights in Seoul
Epic High's music that I hear in the streets while walking
The eyes of my wife and my baby
*Can I stop suffering now?
Can I stop fearing now?
Can I laugh just as much as I cried?
Get up and stand up
When I opened my fist, a handshake was welcoming me
When people's applause was welcoming me as I opened my closed heart
The wrinkles in my forehead disappear
And the sky is full of smiles
Exciting the smiley glands
I swallow a mouthful of happiness
Let it go, little boy, I let it go, ma
The hopes that I wanted to grab with both of hands
I had too much hope and dreams in me
It was so high where I couldn't reach
But I don't wanna lose it
The closed heart is so narrow, unable to contain
It will break because of too much force
You don't wanna see, I was ashamed
For a minute, it'll be just a minute
Everybody makes mistakes and misunderstands
Get your mind right, go straight, balance yourself
And first, go find your love that you have lost then
Second, find your dream, throw and gain back your confidence
Third, to my friend who helped me out a lot
Here I go
Being normal is good enough for me
I'm curious of the soap opera's ending that I usually didn't want to know
It was uncomfortable to even listen to music but
The artists that I like keep releasing albums
By watching comedy shows that I didn't want to be in
I regained the feeling of laughing that I completely forgot
Thank you to all the people in the tv screen
**There are still many empty notebooks that I need to fill
There are many hyung and dongseng^ that I need to take care of
There are still many questions that I haven't asked
And many answers that I haven't received
*Repeat Smile