Tagada Jones le drapeau

Whether they are green, yellow or blue, all that matters little to us
Whether they are ugly or beautiful, made of stars or logos,
Rare are those that are not dirty , stained by the blood of ancient tragedies,
In memory of our brothers victims of a scourge, we shit on the color of your flags!
Too many traditions, convictions, patriots or repressions
Too many dictates and religions,
We no longer want clans, good guys, bad guys,
We no longer want blacks, we no longer want whites,
No more soldiers or borders
Whatever the complexion of our poor skin,
We spit in the face of your ideals,
We fear neither threats nor chaos,
We are the future and you are only words,
In memory of our brothers victims of a scourge, we shit on the color of your flags!
Women and children scream,
Beheaded, raped by the enemies of life?
In the name of what, in whose name?
Can we allow such infamy to happen?
Whatever the complexion of our poor skin ,
We spit in the face of your ideals,
We fear neither threats nor chaos,
We are the future and you are only words,
In memory of our brothers victims of a scourge, we shit on the color of your flags!