Tanooki Suit berserk

We watched the moon ascend
We saw the tide turn red
Just like the tears that ran
Down the face of this Crimson Egg
As its scream echoed in our heads
And the sky began to close above us
Here we stand, before the Hand of God!
And they offer the best of us,
a crown to call his own!
It's all he ever sought
But at what cost?
The Apostles descend on the Band
And they're looking to add them to,
the bodies they stood upon
I can hear him whisper through his teeth
Without a tongue he took his seat
At the price of our lives!
We were a Sacrifice!
Here we fall, before the Hand of God!
They cut us up like animals
With teeth and claws
If only I had died that night...
All I have left now are memories and scars
But I can't tell the two apart
I wish that I could show you that I love you
I wish that I could shield you from the pain
I wish that I could return to you the life he ripped away
There's no peace to be found in death for us I only long to fight
All I have left now are memories and scars
But I can't tell the two apart
I wish that I could show you that I love you
I wish that I could shield you from the pain
I wish that I could return to you the life he ripped away
But I only hurt you...