Tara Thompson someone to take your place

I don't even own a pair of high heels
But I bought these at Payless on my lunch break
My sister did this make-up, she calls it get over your break-up
She said get out there and work it girl, so I'm workin it
This ain't no drug store perfume, I'm talking Chanel No. 5
A little sample that I saved some from our prom night
I know this is a sports bar, you know I'm a fan of Nascar,
I'll have two nas, one for me, one for the hot girl I just turned into
I came in here to get a man, and I know the man I want
Do you like the knew me I am?
Because that's the one he's takin home
Get your hand of my mhm
Wipe that grin off your face
It ain't you I'm lookin for, I'm lookin for someone to take your place
I heard Britney and your best friend finally called it quits
Does he still got that real good job and that pretty beamer?
Do you know that guy shooting pool? That dragon tattoos so cool
Hey, light my cigarette, I'm about to do stuff you won't forget
Yeah, I came in here to get a man and I know the man I want
Do you like the new me I am because thats the one he's takin home
Get your hand off my mhm
Wipe that grin off your face
IT ain't you I'm looking for, I'm looking for someone to take your place
On the couch, on the bed, on the porch, in the truck
Hey, up on the Maytag
With somebody who can kiss