Tatiana querido amigo

They have been 15 long years together
Together from home to the cinema, always united
Hands intertwined
Kisses of pure friends
And I can count on you
I want to know that you are still a friend
Although your senses scream inside
I want to count on you
Be friends as always
And don't get angry if I fly to other nests
You will always be my friend, you you will always be
I want to be, as free as that river
And know that one day I will be able to return to you
I want to be, a dove in flight to see
To travel the world the one I dream of
I want to know that you are still a friend
Even if your senses scream inside
I want to count on you
Be friends as always
And don't get angry if I fly to other nests
You will always be my friend, my friend always
I want to be, as free as that river
And know that one day I will be able to return to you
I want to be, a dove in flight to see
To travel the world I dream of
I want to be, as free as that river
And to know that one day I will be able to return to you
I want to be