Technicolour are you alive

Lights out and you go home
And you feel so, all lone
'Cos your dog died and your girl left,
But you won't cry, you won't cry
Are you alive? I wanna know
Need some helping, letting go
Are you alive? Need the rain
To wash these blues away
It's been almost six months
And you haven't been outside
I got a number for this great shrink
He'll put you right, put you right
Are you alive? I wanna know
Need some helping, letting go
Are you alive? Need the rain
To wash these blues away
So you haven't really slept in three whole days
Your home is a jungle and you mind is a maze
You got bloodshot eyes and a shirt full of stains
And now all you do is
Pop a pill, close your eyes,
take a sec until the pain dies,
But it won't heal what you feel inside
Jekylls dead day hello to Mr. Hyde