Terrorgruppe allein gegen alle

Hire are afraid of the black man.
Of another religion,
Of the strangers at the borders.
Hire are afraid of every sound
That doesn't sound like your language,< br/>The Hire likes to use it
To shout at the Turkish woman
Who cleans your kitchen.
I'm afraid of you,
You are the masses
And I am alone.
I am afraid of you
You will always be
A flock of
Blind sheep.
Hire are afraid of everything big,
What disturbs your little life!
And with a Christian conscience
Take what doesn't belong to you!
Hire are afraid of the punks at the train station,
Because you don't trust yourself.
And from the Yugo hat player,
Who's ripping you off your feet!
I'm afraid of you,
You're the crowd
And I am alone.
I am afraid of you
You will always be
A flock of
Blind sheep.