The Amenta sewer

A reeking clogged trap
Battered, maimed and swollen
Gluttonous hungry for waste
A sewage bloated cunt
An impure substandard breed
A well groomed mongrel
With a gutful of worms
With two permanent incisors
In wear it was prepared
A disease addled wither neatly chopped and tainted
A heaving cesspit a pig steeped in shit
A sewer lined with pearls
Exhaling moist foul air
Boasting a shit eating grin
Enticing us
Smeared across its face
So greedy for waste
Slouching wallowing glutton
A gaping yearning void
Like a tired straining yawn
Sleep derived and stretched out wide
Burying its head
Beneath the sand
Dogs where it sleeps
It shits where it eats
A heaving cesspit a pig steeped in shit
A sewer lined with pearls
Exhaling moist foul air
Boasting a shit eating grin
Enticing us
Smeared across its face
So greedy for waste
Slouching wallowing glutton
A second hand doll
Soiled used and broken
A shit-stained porcelain bitch
A freezing black hole
Sipping shit from the gutters
With smug look on its face
So hungry for waste