The Antikythera Mechanism depths of europa

Darkness on this galactic dawn
existence in shadows
countless generation trapped in this cavernous oblivion
a perservation of life in a more simplistic form
a purity derived from the curse of seclusion
a new species reaching for the surface
seemingly impposible visions of reality become tangible amongst the stars
discovery in this new age willl surely bring clarity
to progress to evolve we must destroy obscurity through eclectic eyes
trapped under titan like mountains for eons
the universe creates an abundance of life
simplistic beings with the sole urge for survival
what horros may lay in the cosmos beyond
how could we be alone in this
cognizance must exist
workship to the questions we can not explain
terror, still fills the answers we string so hard to claim
and in the dawn in which we discover a new universal piece
can our species thrive to leave our mark on the aging thread of time
will our intelligence be the down fall of the immortality of an ever expanding mind
cold untainted these creatures hold stable through the universe's need to extinshuish parasites
existence, a jewel in the eyes of the gods
the treasure once though of fable
once the final piece of the puzzle of time has formed into completion
will life retain such divinity or be as worthless as the gods
will all our meaning sink to depths of the forgotten oceans of time
swept under the tides
until the earth joins the progress of the dying universe
reach for meaning in our perspective