The Bailen Brothers a song that bears your name

Sitting under my tree
Just my darling and me
When an acorn strikes my side
Telling me soft but clear that she’s always been here
That her roots stretch far and wide
Yes she knew the hill before the house
And before these country roads
Yes she knew this world
Before the people
Such a long long time ago
Now it holds the shade for the company of two
And we’ll stay till it grows dark
And oh how she knows
That soon we will go
And two others will lean against her bark
So I’ll write you a song that bears your name
And I’ll fill it with words of love
So that when we grow tired
Our bodies expired
Then our song will live with the tree
How many others
Came here before
How many others
Called this home
Seen the leaves turn to brown
Seen an acorn on this grew