The BenDemonator my faded memories remix

This is how my life is.
This is how it will always be.
The dreams I once had
Have all faded from my memory.
The light fades to black.
My thoughts are under attack.
I'll never know what I once had.
All my good thoughts have turned bad.
On an on, it just goes on.
All the memories I had have all gone.
I wish I could bring them all back,
To get my life right back on track.
My childhood years. All those tears.
I fight to defeat all my lonesome fears.
There's no going back on those yesterdays,
When I can't remember on any of those days.
It hurts so bad inside.
All these thoughts I wish to hide.
All come rushing back to me.
To my dear memory.
REPEAT (Ad lib 'til fade)