The Blue Dolphins wide and blue horizons

I'm getting out of the city
Gotta clear up my mind
Seem to have lost perspective
In the battle of the grind
And the same old 9 to 5
My eyes rest on the mountains
And the wind blows my hair
I'm just a speck of dust here
On an earth that's so very old
And I'm getting old with her
Here's a place for me to unfold
And remember who I am
White skies and blue horizons
Take me as I am
I've found peace of mind here
In the high desert wind
God paints in this land
I remember I used to love
Cos back there in the city
It feels like nothing is enough
And nothing means too much
Wide skies and blue horizons
Take me as I am
I've found peace of mind here
In the high desert wind