The Books you ll never be alone

you'll never be alone
creative imagination
you don't have a burning desire at all
every morning you know exactly what you're going to do, and why, but all the real joy is taken out of it
don't fight it
1st 5 4th 4
go into some quiet spot, perhaps in bed at night
close your eyes
hold it
i can touch it with my hands
you'll never be alone
the importance of the woman
you'll never be alone
know what you want
like all states of mind
the mastery of procrastination
no one knows everything
no place to go
number 2
the second principal is a state of mind
sudden flashes of thought or inspiration
the 5th principal is
whatever it is you do for a living
the 4th principal is
the one and only woman
the 6th principal is
the 6th principal
the 6th sense
the 13th and final principal is
the 12th principal
this is important
this is it
thoughts are things
time means nothing to your subconcious
understand once and for all
you'll never be alone
here on earth