The Brave Little Abacus don t come around here no more please

It's not sorry if you're doing what you want to
It's a choice self-manufactured circumstance
it's choosing not to be here
Wearing our hats backwards we looked content/cute
As you'd roll your feet across denim thighs
in my hands they would reside
i'm not too important but I wish I could be
If I was, you would've come back at least for another listen of understatement
It's hard to believe you, it's hard to believe in you
you're tearing me apart again but I'll get back together
Even though last time I reassembled in a car that I wrecked last summer
these pieces will find one another
and embedded withing each other
they will reofrm me with the aid of all my records
making bones from molded vinyl
and up for my mistakes by giving me some strength in myself
and some security in art
and enough love to make up for the one friend
who never seemed to want it it